Sunday, January 27, 2013

Breakfast: Chia Seeds & Blueberries

I came across this lovely combination while I was shopping at my local Whole Foods (love that place).

I loved it so much, I knew I had to recreate it at home. Chia seeds have long been revered as the "superfood of the Aztecs." They have been a dietary staple in Central America for thousands of years. They're a great source of Omega 3s -- which help skin health, brain health, and hearth health -- as well as protein and fiber.

When Chia seeds are mixed with water, or in this case soy milk, they inflate much like quinoa and rice, except they don't need to be cooked. This turns the mixture into a gel-like cereal. If that sounds a bit kooky, don't freak out, consuming chia like this is extremely good for you. Gelatinous fibers like this help cleanse your liver and move everything through your digestive system trapping toxins and bad fats along the way.

This sweet little dish is perfect to start your day. It's so important to have breakfast, as we all know, but we forget to be gentle to our bodies. Don't bombard yourself with fat and sugar right out of bed. It will inevitably lead to the need for that double espresso and a subsequent afternoon "crash." Ugh. I hate that.

This and a cup of tea or a protein shake will be just enough to get you to lunch. Promise!

You Will Need:

Chia Seeds: 3 tablespoons (or more depending on how hungry you are ;)

Non-Dairy Milk: just enough to cover and soak the seeds 
(*I used vanilla soy milk, but feel free to try almond or rice milk instead!)

Blueberries: As little or as many you want!

Combine the chia seeds and milk in your favorite cereal bowl. Soak the chia seeds with the milk for about 20 minutes.

(I like to do this right before I wash my face in the morning, so that it's ready to go after I'm all dolled up.)

And now just add your blueberries and maybe a pinch of cinnamon and you're done!

The chia seeds should have now absorbed much of the milk and they are ready to eat. If your bowl seems a little too watery, you added to much milk. Simply add another tablespoon of Chia seeds. They're so good for you that extras are perfectly fine! How's that for guilt-free? Wait another 10 minutes and the seeds should be good to go by then.

If your bowl seems a little too gel-ly, that's ok! Try mixing up the chia and milk for a bit, if its still too clumpy for your tastes, feel free to add some milk until you get the consistency you want.

I love having this as an afternoon snack, and sometimes even as dessert!

What are some things you guys have for breakfast? I bet there's a way we could vegan-ize it! ;)



  1. Yay, this post is so great, Carys!
    I'm so bad at eating breakfast, but this looks so easy and yummy! When I do have breakfast, I'll have some type of granola bar (my favorite is the Kind blueberry/vanilla I was telling you about).
    And I've actually never had a protein shake before! Which ones would you suggest?


    1. Thank you!

      I personally love the protein shakes by Vega. It's a plant-based protein/smoothie mix and its loaded with vitamins and greens too. Win! I like the almond vanilla and chocolate flavors, but they come in other fruity flavors too, if that's your thing. Mix it up with almond or soy milk & you're good to go!

